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Multiple CodeCollab interviews

About multipe CodeCollabe interviews

Before you begin

Learn more about CodeCollab CodeCollab Overview

Candidates can be invited to multiple CodeCollab interviews based on your team’s interview process. All CoreEval and CodeCollab interviews will be centralized under a single candidate profile.

Creating multiple CodeCollab interviews

To create a CodeCollab interview:

  1. Visit the CodeCollab tab within the candidate profile
    1. For candidates who have not completed a CoreEval interview, see Starting a CodeCollab interview for details on how to create a candidates first CodeCollab interview.
  1. Select Create Interview to created the first CodeCollab interview associated with a candidate
  1. To create additional interviews, select + Interview
  1. The newly created CodeCollab interview will automatically be named in sequential order (example: Interview 1, Interview 2).
Notion image

Once each interview has been created you can conduct interviews per steps detailed at Starting a CodeCollab interview


A few notes on multiple CodeCollab interviews:

  1. There is no limit to the number of CodeCollab interviews that can be created or conducted for each candidate
  1. Each CodeCollab interview can have a different interview type.
    1. Learn more about CodeCollab interview formats at CodeCollab interview formats
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