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CodeCollab interview formats

About interview formats available in CodeCollab

About interview formats available in CodeCollab

The CodeCollab interview formats available to you depend on whether a candidate has previously completed a CoreEval interview (and the domain of the interview).

Each CodeCollab interview format has its own benefits, whether it’s the ability to start live technical interview in a familiar codebase, or flexibility of a blank canvas to utilize interview questions of your choosing.

Interview formats available for CodeCollab

The description and benefits of the different interview formats are outlined below.

Blank CodeCollab

Description: Live technical interview that allows interviewers to utilize company-specific interview questions via CodeCollab’s collaborative IDE. No questions or interview code content are pre-loaded. Interviewers can insert code or questions directly into CodeCollab IDE.

Main benefits: Allows interviewer to conduct questions specific to their organization. Code compiles and saved in a centralized location following interview completion.

Other: This is the only interview format available to candidates who have not previously completed a CoreEval interview.

CoreEval continuation

Description: Live technical interview that builds on previous CoreEval interview completed by candidate. Code is pre-loaded in CodeCollab’s collaborative IDE and optional, recommended questions are provided to build on existing codebase.

Main benefits: Pre-loads codebase submitted by candidate as part of CoreEval interview. Allows interviewer to dig deeper into existing and familiar interview content. Provides interviewer with comprehensive interview guide including Base Assessment Questions.

Other: CoreEval continuation interviews are only available for candidates who have completed one of the following CoreEval interview domains: Front-End Web Development, Software Engineering. Candidate who have completed a CoreEval interview in any other domain will only have the option to use the Blank CodeCollab interview format.

Custom CodeCollab

Description: Live technical interview that is created according to your organization’s requirements. Custom CodeCollab interviews require: interviewer instructions, candidate instructions, and language configuration.

Main benefits: Pre-loads instructions and codebase submitted by your organization. Allows interviewer to deliver organization-specific interviews without needing to configure interviews at time of interviews.

Other: For more details on how to create see Creating a custom CodeCollab interview

Selecting an interview format

For candidates who have previously completed a CoreEval interview

To invite a candidate to a CodeCollab interview:

  1. Visit the Candidates tab and select the ID corresponding to the candidate
  1. Select the Live Coding tab
  1. Under the INTERVIEW TYPE drop-down, select one of the two following options: Blank CodeCollab Interview OR CoreEval Continuation
      • If Blank CodeCollab Interview is selected, you will have the option to select the desired interview language for the interview under the LANGUAGE drop-down.
Notion image

For candidates who have not previously completed a CoreEval interview

To invite a candidate to a CodeCollab interview:

  1. Visit the Invite tab and select CodeCollab
  1. Insert candidate Email, Name (Optional)
  1. Select INVITE ALL
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