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Greenhouse Integration Setup

How to setup Greenhouse Recruiting and Byteboard integration

Before you begin

In order to set up the Greenhouse Recruiting and Byteboard integration, you will need the following permissions across accounts:

  • Greenhouse: Super Admin
  • Byteboard: Admin

Enabling the Greenhouse Recruiting and Byteboard integration

To enable the Greenhouse integration, please visit Team Settings at You will need to toggle the Greenhouse Integration button to on.

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Once the Greenhouse Integration toggle has been turned on, you’ll find your Byteboard API key under the API Key heading under the Greenhouse Integration at

1.1) Copy the API Key and visit your Greenhouse homepage at

1.2) Click Get Help in the lower-left corner.

1.3) Type “Integration Setup” in the chat box, and then click Chat Now.

1.4) Once connected with an agent, write “I’d like to set up an integration with Byteboard” and they will respond with a link where you can provide your API Key.

  • Do not send the API key in this initial message. API Keys allow access to sensitive data and must be kept secret.
  • API Key should be shared securely using SendSafely, Greenhouse’s secure data transfer platform.
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1.5) The Greenhouse Support team will respond with a SendSafely link for you to enter your API Key. A notification will be sent to the Greenhouse Support Team after you have entered your API key, and they will email you to confirm that your API key has been set up in your account and your integration is enabled.

While you’re waiting for the Greenhouse team to respond and confirm the key has been added to your account, you can continue the setup process at 2. UPLOAD YOUR HARVEST API KEY. You can return to this stage once you received confirmation from the Greenhouse team.

Add Byteboard Stage to a job’s interview plan

Once your Greenhouse Support team confirms that the Greenhouse Recruiting and Byteboard integration is enabled for your organization, you will be able to add the Byteboard CoreEval interview as an Interview stage. To add Byteboard CoreEval as an interview stage for an existing job:


1.6) Navigate to a job (All Jobs > Job Name) and click Job Setup from the Job navigation bar.

1.7) From the Job Setup page, navigate to Interview Plan on the left-hand panel. Scroll down the page and click + Add a Stage.

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1.8) From the Add Stage dialog box, select the Byteboard stage. When finished, click Add to apply the stage to the job's interview plan.

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Configure Byteboard Stage

Once the Byteboard stage has been added to the job's interview plan, click the Edit Interview icon button for that stage.

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Use the provided drop-down menu to select the assessments that you have previously requested from Byteboard:

1.9) Select the appropriate assessment

1.10) Assign at least one Greenhouse user to review submitted assessments

1.11) When finished, click Save

All configuration of the assessment itself, as well as the email template, will need to be done by Byteboard


Generate a Harvest API Key

2.1) Navigate to the API Credentials page (Configure → Dev Center → API Credential Management)

2.2) Click Create new API key. Set Type to Harvest, Partner to Byteboard, and Description to Byteboard Harvest or similar. Click Create.

  1. If you already have an existing Harvest API key for Byteboard, you can edit that API key to match the description above, and then continue with the steps below.
Expand to view sample screenshot of creating a new API key
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2.3) Save the API key to a secure location

Grant Permissions in Greenhouse

In Greenhouse, grant the following permissions and click Save after selecting

Get: Retrieve Application
Get: List Applications
Get: Retrieve Candidate
Post: Add Note
Get: Retrieve job
Job Stages
Get: List Job Stages
Get: List Job Stages for Job
Get: Retrieve User
Expand to view sample screenshot of the permissions list when fully filled out
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A note on Greenhouse permissions: Byteboard only utilizes the data required to provide our services and are happy to provide additional details as requested on data access required and rationale.

Uploading your Harvest API Key

In Byteboard’s Team Settings > Greenhouse Integration Settings, enter your Harvest API Key under the Upload Your Harvest API Key, then refresh the Byteboard portal page before continuing on to 3. MAP JOB STAGES TO NEXT STEP CATEGORIES AND LIVE CODING STEPS .

Expand to view a sample screenshot of where to upload Harvest API Key
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If your Harvest API key has not yet been submitted via, the 3. MAP JOB STAGES TO NEXT STEP CATEGORIES AND LIVE CODING STEPS stage will show a “Waiting for API key” notification. If you see this, please return to 2. UPLOAD YOUR HARVEST API KEY before continuing.

Expand to view for sample screenshot of “Waiting for API Key” notification
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Mapping Greenhouse job stages to Byteboard next step categories allows Byteboard to accurately track candidate performance and offer outcomes. For accurate reporting, you will need to map all Greenhouse stages in your job that could follow a Byteboard CoreEval interview even if these are not always used.


To map job stages in Byteboard:

3.1) Click Edit stage names to expand drop-down of your Greenhouse Stages.

  1. If you receive a Loading Stage Names notification, do not refresh the page. Synching Greenhouse Stage details can take up to ten minutes depending on the number of job listings in your Greenhouse instance.

3.2) To the right of the relevant Greenhouse Stage, select the corresponding Byteboard Stage for any interview stages following the Byteboard CoreEval interview

  • TPS (use for any technical phone screens before Onsite)
  • Onsite (use for onsite or panel interviews - including virtual occur
  • Offer (use for offer extended)
  • Byteboard Live Coding (select checkbox for corresponding stage)
Expand to view a sample screenshot of completed mapping
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3.3) All other stages can remain unassigned. Once job stage mapping is complete, select Update stage names.


Web hooks set up allows Byteboard to track the status of your candidates after their interview. To set up web hooks:


4.1) Navigate to the Greenhouse web hook configuration page via Configure (Settings) > Dev Center > Web Hooks

Navigate to Greenhouse’s
Navigate to Greenhouse’s Configure menu by clicking the gear icon in the upper right-hand corner
In the Configure menu, select the
In the Configure menu, select the Dev Center menu (*note only system admins can access the Dev Center)
In the Dev Center, click into the
In the Dev Center, click into the Web Hooks page. If you cannot view or access Web Hook, please reach out to your Greenhouse Super Admin.

4.2) Create the following web hooks with the the recommended stage names on the Web Hooks page

Name this web hook
When (drop down)
Byteboard - Changed Stated
Candidate has changed stage
Byteboard - Hired
Candidate has been hired
Byteboard - Unhired
Candidate has been unhired
Byteboard - Rejected
Candidate or Prospect rejected
Byteboard - Unrejected
Candidate or Prospect unrejected

4.3) For each web hook created, select the web hook action under the When drop down that matches each value listed.

4.4) For the “Deactivated?”radio button, ensure No is selected (default selection).

4.5) Copy and paste the Endpoint URL and Secret Key from the Greenhouse Integration set-up in Byteboard.

Expand to view a sample screenshot of where to find Endpoint URL and Security Key
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4.6) Leave all other fields blank.

4.7) Select Create Web hook. Repeat for all other outstanding web hooks.

Expand to view a sample screenshot of completed details under Create A New Web Hook
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If web hooks details are edited in your Greenhouse instance, users must re-paste the secret key from the Byteboard portal into the Greenhouse web hook. When a web hook is edited, by default Greenhouse removes the secret key as a security measure.

Confirming integration set-up

Please contact Byteboard at if you are interested in end-to-end testing and confirmation of set-up following completion of all setup steps.

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