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❓ Can I re-send a Byteboard interview if the original email invite bounced?

Send a New Byteboard Interview Invite if the Original Invite Bounces


We don't currently offer the functionality to update a candidate’s email address once the invite email is sent out. If a candidate’s original email bounces or the candidate notifies you that their email should be different from what was originally sent, best practice is to send them a new interview invite with the corrected email address. This will create a new interview record with a new Byteboard ID!

*Note — the original candidate record with the incorrect email address will be listed as an Expired invite in your Byteboard portal and can be ignored. If you’d like to have the original candidate record removed from the portal, reach out to your Customer Success representative to have that record scrubbed from the account.

How to update a candidate email and resend the candidate invite email after the interview was already sent from the Greenhouse ATS


If your team integrates your Greenhouse ATS with Byteboard, read the instructions below. These steps are for if the team sends the Byteboard interview to a specific candidate from the Greenhouse platform, but that email address is incorrect and the candidate doesn’t receive it.


Greenhouse doesn’t allow you to re-send a Byteboard invite (’Send Test’) to the same candidate record, so you’ll have to reach out to the Byteboard team to troubleshoot unless you are able to create a new candidate record in the ATS and send a new invite for Byteboard.

  • 1. A team member from your account identifies the email is incorrect and needs to be edited in Greenhouse
    • (*i.e., AFTER a Byteboard test has been sent from Greenhouse), and then edits the email address in Greenhouse candidate record.
    • ℹ️
      *Note if the Byteboard interview invite hasn't been sent yet, you can just verify the email and edit the email first and then send out the test from Greenhouse
  • 2. Client team notifies Byteboard of the corrected email address and the Byteboard Candidate ID associated with it.
  • 3. Byteboard team will update the email in our system for that candidate record so the candidate can access their interview.
    • The candidate will be sent an updated email to notify them of the change, and you can update their deadline again accordingly.
  • 4. Byteboard confirms the changes have been applied with client team to ensure all steps all complete and the communication loop is closed

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